Wednesday, November 30, 2005



Arts in Touch. Three commissions for arts project for Barking, Havering and
Redbridge Hospitals NHS Trust. Commission 1: The Atrium ­ Lightwell: for
artists working in glass, metal, textiles or mixed media. Budget GBP30,000.
Commission 2: Children's Unit ­ The Tropical Lagoon: for visual artists, 3D
designers, furniture makers and automata makers. Budget information
available with artists brief. Commission 3: Cancer Unit ­ Viewfinder: for
landscape photographers. Budget GBP10,000 to include production. Deadline 15
January 2006. For information contact Amanda Flower T: +44 1708 517960. E:
BHR Hospitals - Welcome

International Peace Tiles Project | DEVARTS

International Peace Tiles Project | DEVARTS: "VISION
International Peace Tiles project will create vibrant exhibitions of the “visual voice” of hundreds, even thousands of children and youth in public spaces around the issues they care about. Through Peace Tiles workshops and the resulting murals, the project seeks to raise awareness of issues, create opportunities for self-expressions and self-advocacy, and create bonds of understanding within and across communities."

lars hasselblad torres
Peace Tiles Project
I wanted to take this opportunity to give you a very brief update on what we
have accomplished, and invite you to record your Peace Tiles related WAD
activities at

1) We have convened approximately 34 Peace Tiles workshops in 12 countries
on four continents involving an estimated 1,200 children in HIV/AIDS
awareness-raising activities

2) 3 International World AIDS Day murals composed of 35 tiles each have
arrived at three international destinations: Johannesburg, Jaipur, and

3) Self-advocacy goals for children and youth achieved though mural
exhibition at the Global Fund, and a later exhibition at the Global Fund's
Board of Directors' meeting in Morocco in 2006.

4) Self-expression, self-advocacy and global youth solidarity building
goals achieved through the exhibition of murals in Jaipur and Johannesburg,
with the South Africa mural traveling to a residential community for
children orphaned by AIDS, where it will be permanently installed in a new
performing arts center.

5) 16 Microgrants averaging $250 distributed to support Peace Tiles
workshops in 7 countries.

6) 3 outstanding visual artists donated their time to travel to 8 different
workshop locations in 3 countries, providing training and facilitation.

7) Creation on an online network of Peace Tile community members at This website will enable users to initiate tile swaps
and send ecards (Not yet live; coming World AIDS Day!).

8) 2,500 "Make AIDS History" bracelets distributed to various groups,
including 1,500 to Senegal as part of their national World AIDS Day event in

9) Many local actions inspired by the spirit and opportunity of the Peace
Tiles effort, including:

- An international mural exhibition at the Upper Peninsula Children's
Museum in Michigan, accompanied by youth exchanges (interviews) with
workshop participants in India

- Tile exchanges between a student in Cumberland, Maine who organized
workshops for elementary school students and students in Rajasthan, India.

- An exhibition at the UNC Chapel Hill Schoold of Public Health of
approximately 200 tiles made elementary school children during workshops
coordinated by a Peace Corps volunteer in Costa Rica.

- Self-organizing exhibit at the International Conference on AIDS and STDs
in Africa (ICASA) created by Girl Child Art Foundation and Policy Research

Please find attached a press release summarizing these activities.
lars hasselblad torres
art technology democracy

Collaborative Tools in the Learning Continuum

Collaborative Tools in the Learning Continuum
October 2004 - Margaret Driscoll, Ph.D.
I recently guest-lectured on trends in workplace learning for a group of students studying for higher degrees in human resources. The students were working adults who enrolled in an evening program. I started my talk by asking the students to tell me about a recent learning experience and what they liked or did not like about it. I had intended this exercise to be an enthusiastic transition into the boundless possibilities offered by technology-based learning. Instead, it became a litany of complaints.
The complaints could be placed into three categories: the lone-learner experience, the hard-coded correct answer and the lack of meaningful learning. A number of students talked about the isolation of sitting hours for what they described as page after page of reading or listening to a narrator drone on. Even the live virtual classroom was criticized as being “about as participatory as watching television.” It should be noted that lone learners also experience technical frustration. There was massive resentment toward e-learning programs employing multiple-choice answers. Students felt that answers were often unfair because there were alternative correct answers that were not acknowledged. In some cases, not getting the “right” answer meant that learners had to retake sections of the program. Finally, they complained that the learning experiences were not meaningful. The programs were too general to address their concerns or too high-level to provide a valuable experience.

My opening exercise did not do what I intended, but it did make a good segue into my talk. One of the trends in workplace learning is collaborative learning, both informal and formal. The proliferation of technology to help people communicate and work together has made informal learning red-hot. We have probably all engaged in informal learning. Consider these scenarios: While on a customer conference call, an unexpected question comes up about making a video, and an employee sends an instant message to a peer asking for an explanation of how to estimate costs for developing a 60-minute video program. A team preparing a presentation for a pharmaceutical company invites an expert in pharmaceutical marketing to an e-meeting to review their presentation. A sales rep is having trouble using a forecasting application and her forecast is due in an hour, but using application sharing, a teammate shows her how to adjust the probability of close and the dollar value of her leads.

“Internet technology has put informal learning on steroids. Embedding learning into work will have a dramatic impact on performance and innovation in an on-demand world,” said Nancy DeViney, general manager of IBM Learning Solutions. “Making learning available to learners when they need it and allowing them to learn in a more collaborative way on a day-to-day basis will enable new ideas, better decisions and innovative solutions that drive business value.”

Formal collaborative learning has not fared so well in the e-learning era. It has not been able to compete with the lure of learners working alone at their own pace, the single-minded pursuit of measurable performance and the enticing promise of getting large returns on investment by reducing the time spent learning. What is most striking about the lack of formal collaborative learning is the fact that training organizations that deploy e-learning are awash in collaborative tools. Today’s training departments are well equipped with at least two of these technologies: live virtual classrooms, instant messaging, threaded discussions, chat, application sharing, e-mail, e-meetings, mobile devices or virtual workspaces. Given this embarrassing wealth of tools, the deficit of formal collaborative learning must owe to a lack of understanding of the value of this instructional strategy or a lack of good examples.

Educational Value of Formal Collaboration
Collaborative learning is an instructional strategy in which students work in groups toward a common goal. In the collaborative learning process, each member contributes, with the intent of improving the learning accomplishments of others. As a result of this process, the group’s collective learning is greater than the sum of the parts. While not every topic is suited for collaborative learning, it is worth considering collaboration as an instructional strategy when teaching higher-order skills such as synthesis, analysis and evaluation. For example, collaborative learning is well suited for teaching supervisory skills to first-line managers. Collaborative learning encourages team members to verbally justify or discuss how they are solving problems, forcing them to articulate implicit information and knowledge.

Studies have shown that collaborative learning environments are more effective than competitive or individualistic learning environments. Researchers have suggested some reasons for this:

The learner who learns best is the one who organizes, summarizes, elaborates, explains and defends his or her ideas in the process of collaborating.
More learning occurs in an environment of peer support and encouragement because learners eagerly work harder and longer.
Learners benefit from working with more skilled peers.
Less-able learners are not left as passive listeners, but participate in joint problem-solving strategies.
There is no mandate to use technology to deliver collaborative learning, nor is technology required to have a collaborative workplace. But in recent years, some experts have observed that collaborative working tends to be synonymous with using technology. In collaborative learning, this is not true. In fact, collaborative learning has been missing in action. One of the reasons for this may simply be a lack of good examples.

Take Back the Live Virtual Classroom
In many organizations, the live virtual classroom has become synonymous with a PowerPoint presentation. These programs are one-way information dumps with passive learners “kind of paying attention.” Consider changing the format of the live virtual classroom to exploit collaborative tools such as breakout rooms, shared white boards and two-way audio.

The case study is an underutilized strategy for the live virtual classroom. Case studies are part of an effective collaborative strategy that brings interesting, real-world situations into the virtual classroom. This strategy forces students to collaborate by asking them to work as a team to analyze facts, consider alternative points of view and arrive at a decision. Collaborative case studies are not a silver bullet, but they are effective for teaching decision-making skills.

If you have written a traditional case study, you understand the challenge of writing a case that sticks with the facts and leaves the analysis and conclusion to the learners. Learners will need to read the case before class if you want to maximize the collaborative time. During the live virtual class, focus on discussions and casework. Draft a series of questions that guide the learners and highlight the key issues. Don’t underestimate the skills needed by the facilitator. He or she must be able to navigate the virtual classroom with ease and focus on facilitating the case study.

If you don’t have a live virtual classroom, don’t despair. This strategy also works with e-meeting or Web conferencing software. The collaboration tools you want to have are a shared whiteboard, real-time audio and Web surfing to visit sites that have annual reports, X-rays and online databases. If you need to use a shared spreadsheet, then application-sharing is essential. (See Figure 1.)

Consider E-Coaching
If you have purchased a catalog of e-learning courses and the conceptual points and various management topics have been mastered, it may be time for coaching. This collaborative strategy is directive, personal and, in some cases, “in your face.” E-coaches can aggressively work with learners to hone key skills in a one-on-one virtual environment.

E-coaching is training delivered via the Internet that helps employees improve their performance and build work-related skills. The coach and the learner collaborate to define the goals, the means for achieving them and the measures for their attainment.

E-coaching benefits learners who want to learn from a coach who would otherwise be unavailable due to distance or scheduling. Using e-mail, instant messaging and telephone, a skilled expert can be made available to a learner halfway around the world. Coaches and learners who are in the same location can also benefit from flexible collaboration technology.

Finding coaches and making good matches is far more difficult than it sounds. An essential part of developing these collaborative programs is to be clear and to set expectations about what kind of skills can be built, regardless of distance. The best e-coaching programs take a blended approach, enabling the coach and the learner to complement the e-coaching with face-to-face sessions. There is no substitute for a coach watching a learner deliver a presentation, make a sales pitch, respond to questions and maintain composure when interacting with customers.

The technologies used to deliver e-coaching programs are basic. These programs rely on making use of e-mail to collaborate at the participants’ convenience. If the coach and the learner both have access to instant messaging (IM), this offers unique opportunities to collaborate and ask questions in real time. Telephones offer a comfortable and reliable technology that can be used in combination with e-mail. This means that the coach can receive and review a draft proposal an hour before it is due and suggest changes to the learner by phone. (See Figure 2.)

Give Games a Try
Collaborative games involve simulation or role-playing among the participants, who learn through interaction with each other within the game’s rules. Collaborative games enable a group of learners to work together to solve a problem, such as finding the right mix of health-care services (the Health Care Game), to apply a concept like supply-chain management (MIT Beer Game) or to reflect on the outcome of international negotiations (SSHRC’s e-Negotiation Tournament).

Collaborative games can be costly and time-consuming to design. The challenges are twofold: to design a game that will enable skills transfer for application in real life, and to design an educational feedback and scoring mechanism. With the exception of games based on familiar concepts, most games require participants to learn the rules. Playing collaborative games takes time, but they teach high-order thinking skills.

The collaborative technology required for these games is a blend of custom software and communication tools. Games such as the Health Care Game are supplemented with a threaded discussion and e-mail. (See Figure 3.)

Formal collaboration has been missing in action for some good reasons: It is not as fast as a page-turner, it is less direct than a lecture, and it is more difficult to measure than drill and practice exercises. On the other hand, collaboration is a highly effective educational strategy for developing higher-order thinking skills. Collaboration can overcome many of the common complaints about the boredom, loneliness and irrelevance of e-learning because collaboration-based learning promises to turn passive participants into active learners.

Training organizations have at their disposal an abundance of collaborative tools, but few good examples of collaborative learning. The three collaborative strategies examined in this article differ vastly in approach and process, but they share a belief that learners benefit from active engagement with others. This means that the learners–not the instructor–do the conceptualizing, the organizing and the theorizing about the subject matter. In other words, the learners do the work of learning.

Collaboration is not a silver bullet. It must be used judiciously to teach appropriate topics. In some cases, collaborative learning should be part of a blended learning solution. In other cases, it might be the lead strategy. If your organization has not designed a program using a collaborative learning strategy, consider piloting a program and experiencing the power of collaboration.

Margaret Driscoll, Ph.D., is a member of IBM Business Consulting Services in the human capital management practice. She is the author of “Web-Based Training” from Jossey-Bass and a featured speaker at national and international training events. For more information, e-mail Margaret at

Collaborative Tools in the Learning Continuum

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Cost of War in Iraq

Cost of War - National Priorities ProjectBelow is a running total of the U.S. taxpayer cost of the Iraq War. The number is based on Congressional appropriations

Instead, we could have paid for
children to attend a year of Head Start.

Instead, we could have fully funded global anti-hunger efforts for 9 years.

Instead, we could have built
additional housing units.

Instead, we could have fully funded world-wide AIDS programs for

Instead, we could have ensured that every child in the world was given basic immunizations for

Instead, we could have provided
students four-year scholarships at public universities.

Instead, we could have hired
additional public school teachers for one year.

The Cost of War calculator is set to reach $251 billion March 31, 2006. The Cost of Iraq War calculator is occasionally reset based on new information and new allocations of funding.

Previously, the National Priorities Project estimated the cost of the Iraq War by analyzing the legislation for the appropriations made by Congress for the Iraq War. Through fiscal year 2005, this totaled about $205 billion. At the end of September 2005, Congress allocated more money for the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars as well as enhanced security abroad (in the continuing resolution).

In October 2005, a report published by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) concluded that $251 billion had been obligated or appropriated for the Iraq War. The research was based not just on Congressional appropriations, but on the Department of Defense's (DOD) DFAS monthly obligations reports. The researcher also concluded that as war-related expenses were higher than anticipated, the DOD transferred money from peacetime funds (which they were permitted to do under certain circumstances as outlined in appropriations legislation). The DOD also transferred funds appropriated for Afghanistan or general war to the Iraq War.

The Cost of Iraq War counter is now based on the $251 billion for the Iraq War as concluded in the CRS report.

The numbers include military operations, reconstruction and other spending related to the Iraq invasion and occupation. Spending only includes "incremental" costs, additional funds that are expended due to the war. For example, soldiers' regular pay is not included, but combat pay is included. Potential future costs, such as future health care for soldiers and veterans wounded in the war, are not included. It is also not clear whether the current funding will cover all military wear and tear. It also does not account for the contribution of war spending to the deficits incurred in the federal budget. In other words, we have not included the cost of interest on the debt.

The media sometimes cites a figure of $300 - $350 billion. However, this number if for the Iraq War, the Afghanistan War and for enhanced security abroad. Our figure is only covering the cost of the Iraq War as it relates to the U.S. federal budget (and does not include costs to others or other countries or any economic impact costs to Americans).

We also publish Local Costs of the Iraq War which includes the total cost allocated to date for numerous towns and counties across the country. This list is also more regularly updated with new locations than the list of the Cost of War counter.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Rules of Play - Game Design Fundamentals-The MIT Press

Rules of Play
Game Design Fundamentals

Katie Salen and Eric Zimmerman

As pop culture, games are as important as film or television--but game design has yet to develop a theoretical framework or critical vocabulary. In Rules of Play Katie Salen and Eric Zimmerman present a much-needed primer for this emerging field. They offer a unified model for looking at all kinds of games, from board games and sports to computer and video games. As active participants in game culture, the authors have written Rules of Play as a catalyst for innovation, filled with new concepts, strategies, and methodologies for creating and understanding games..

Building an aesthetics of interactive systems, Salen and Zimmerman define core concepts like 'play,' 'design,' and 'interactivity.' They look at games through a series of eighteen 'game design schemas,' or conceptual frameworks, including games as systems of emergence and information, as contexts for social play, as a storytelling medium, and as sites of cultural resistance.

Written for game scholars, game developers, and interactive designers, Rules of Play is a textbook, reference book, and theoretical guide. It is the first comprehensive attempt to establish a solid theoretical framework for the emerging discipline of game design."


"Rules of Play is an exhaustive, clear, cogent, and complete resource for understanding games and game design. Salen and Zimmerman describe an encyclopedia of game design issues, techniques, and attributes. In particular, they analyze the elements that can make a game experience richer, more interesting, more emotional, more meaningful, and, ultimately, more successful. It should be the first stop you make when learning about game design."
--Nathan Shedroff, author of Experience Design

"Rules of Play makes a monumental contribution to the development of game theory, criticism, and design. It will instantly become a standard textbook in the field on the basis of its rigor and scope--yet it is written in such an engaging style that many will read it for pleasure. Salen and Zimmerman do for games what Sergei Eisenstein did for cinema--offer an expert practitioner's perspective on central aspects of the aesthetics and cultural importance of an emerging medium."
--Henry Jenkins, Director of Comparative Media Studies, MIT

"This is the most impressive book on game design I've ever seen. Broad in scope yet rich in detail, Rules of Play sets a new standard for game analysis."
--Will Wright, Game Designer of Sim City and The Sims
Rules of Play - The MIT Press

Friday, November 18, 2005

Around the World in 80 clicks

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Collaborative Games Homepage

"Collaborative Games on Handheld Computers"Collaborative Games Homepage

Peace Maker - A Video Game to Teach Peace

PeaceMaker is a cross-cultural political video game simulation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict which is currently being developed under the auspices of Carnegie Mellon University’s Entertainment Technology Center.

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a pervasive and long running global dilemma. It is at once a political, religious, and regional conflict whose roots can be traced back thousands of years. Many aspects of the conflict have a universal importance and are deeply related to social, economic , and foreign policy issues throughout the world.

In PeaceMaker, a one-player game, the player takes the role of either the Israeli or Palestinian Prime Minister. The player must act and react to ingame events in order to establish a stable resolution to the conflict before his or her term in office is up. Peace is a fragile and difficult goal to achieve, but as this game will show, it is the only way to resolve one of the longest running conflicts mankind has ever faced.

PeaceMaker will be playable online for free and made globally accessible for people to use world-wide, including students and classrooms in the U.S., Israel and Palestine.

In this session members of the Peacemaker team will demonstrate the playable game and discuss the ins and outs of its production. Attendees will learn how the game was built to provide a balanced view of the conflict as much as possible and how it mixes real-world reports and fictional gameplay experiences to provide a unique approach to the player. Peace Maker - A Video Game to Teach Peace

The Web as Role Model and Infrastructure for Philanthropy

The Web as Role Model and Infrastructure for Philanthropy: "GivingSpace is a scalable, grass roots “space” on the Internet which uses the global connectivity of the Internet for philanthropic interactions between people and organizations. It is driven by transformational energy – the joy of giving reflected by a gift – across geography, time, culture, politics, economics, and social barriers."

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Teaching Peace - Tools for Teachers

Teaching Peace - Tools for Teachers: "Peace Tools for Teachers"

Green Dove Peace Network - Home

Green Dove Peace Network - Home: "Green Dove is dedicated to being a presence for peace, offering connections to individuals, organizations, resources and current events."

International Peace Tiles Project | DEVARTS

International Peace Tiles Project | DEVARTS: "International Peace Tiles Project"

Artists Network of Refuse & Resist!

Artists Network of Refuse & Resist!: "'Inside the Culture of Resistance' is an ongoing series of video-taped one-on-one discussions between socially conscious artists who have made pioneering contributions in a variety of artistic mediums, including theater, film, visual arts, literature, music, dance and spoken word."

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Treehugger: Peace Art Cambodia: Guns Into Sculpture

Treehugger: Peace Art Cambodia: Guns Into Sculpture: "Peace Art Cambodia: Guns Into Sculpture"

CCP - Cultural Contact Point

CCP - Cultural Contact Point: "Culture 2000 aims to promote transnational cultural co-operation, and a common cultural space in Europe. This means that most of the funding is for projects that are designed and carried out by collaborative partnerships of cultural organisations from different European countries."

Thursday, November 03, 2005

BBC - Action Network - - A4205819 - aSIN - an ideal who's who for sustainability investment?

Social Edge

Social Edge has become a site where social entrepreneurs, nonprofit professionals, philanthropists and other practitioners of the social sector connect to network, learn, inspire and share resources. The site strikes a balance between the visionary and the practical, with its spirited discussions and online workshops and features. Social Edge remains committed to fostering frank dialogue, building mutual respect and creating a sense of community among those in the social sector.

Social Edge's online events cover topics crucial to the success and growth of nonprofit organizations across the globe. Social Edge also hosts a library of articles written by experts in the field. These archived events and articles contain a trove of practical advice and recommendations for practitioners in the field of social entrepreneurship.

Apple Gallery
  • Art Project