Monday, October 31, 2005

EnlightenNEXT : Videoletters Day Workshop on Friday 18 November


Videoletters Day Workshop on Friday 18 November

What is Videoletters?

Videoletters is a unique initiative which is having a huge impact on bringing reconciliation to the Balkan states.

In a region where war and conflict have driven close friends, neighbours and work colleagues apart into ethnically separate states, the film makers invited individuals and families to record video messages to their former associates. With this simple idea the Videoletters concept has grown into a whole movement - with TV broadcasts, dedicated internet cafes for sending messages and a touring show. In place of suspicion and animosity a new climate of optimism and trust is being built.
'Rare is the case,' said the New York Times, 'where filmmakers actually set out to do good and can claim to have achieved it. Eric van den Broek and Katarina Rejger are two such directors.'

Why would this be of interest to you/your organisation?

Are you involved in work where establishing lines of communication could potentially make a huge difference? Young people estranged from their familes? Elderly or infirm people unable to visit their faraway relatives? Conflict resolution? Conflict prevention? Truth and reconciliation work?

More than this, what about all the areas where there is no problem, but better communication could bring so much more? Schools in Britain sending messages to twin schools in the developing world? Putting donor recipients in touch with their donors?

Or would you simply like to learn more about how you could personally, now or in the future, utilise the ideas of Videoletters?

How will this work?

The Videoletters Workshop is a practical day where you can find out how the film makers, Eric van den Broek and Katarina Rejger, went about this initiative, and how you can adapt their ideas to your own work. The day will offer a comprehensive programme. Eric and Katarina will use film samples to present how Videoletters operates. There will be plenty of opportunity to ask questions, both in group Q&As and individually. There will also be ideas-sharing group discussions, supported by Eric and Katarina. And there will be technical advice on how to set this up.

The Videoletters Workshop takes place on Friday 18 November from 10am to 5pm at EnlightenNext, 13 Windsor Street, London, N1. The event is organised by Frontiers of Film, which is the film screening branch of EnlightenNext, an educational charity working for the development of culture and consciousness. The day costs £95.00pp and £60.00 concessionary rate, including lunch. We also have a limited number of assisted places on the workshop which you are welcome to enquire about.


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